I Am No Designer

jekyll backend  -  2013-05-13

There are many who would count me amongst designers, I am not one of those people. I work with desiners, I can see a good design from a bad one... but I am no designer. This is probably why after years of trying to make a fancy blog, something noteworthy, something catchy to the eye--- I opted instead to bring something simple to the board. Something that would bring what a blog is most needed for, it's content.

Thus I present to the world, my personal blog I. Am. Carrico. A little blog of the musings of a web developer, aerialist, libertine and dubious philosopher. Build upon jekyll with some lovely grunt and compass magic tossed in... it is a simple, easy place for you to find my thoughts.

If you are interested in the tools I used to build such a place, check out the Github repo I built from the lessons I learned here. It has a grunt template that contains a jekyll site, compass plugins and some magic with compass. It is a good starting point for anybody wanting to learn more about these awesome tools. I will write more soon about deployment and how to use grunt to make you life immesensely easier.

The Github repo, Mr. Poole--- a jekyll, grunt and compasss template. https://github.com/ChinggizKhan/grunt-poole

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